My name is Antonio Tabarin.
Some know me as Tony Spray.
My papers say I was born in South Africa in 1968. If you wonder how I started working with bikes, it was my father Sergio who passed on this passion to me. In his free time, he was building and welding bike frames for his friends. Since then bikes have always been part of my life. As a kid I was competing in a few local teams. Still today I take part in Grand Fondo and various races around the world.
I spend all my holidays biking. Every now and then, I manage to curve out some time for cool adventures as the last one- Paris-Brest in 2019. 1200km of nature, culture and enthusiastic bike lovers.
Over 30 years ago this passion has become a job when I was gaining my first experience in the shop of a craftsman. My first task ever was sanding to manually remove the old paint. Over time I have learned from the most experienced people in the field, I have studied, tested materials and experimented.
I have partnered with flagship Italian brands and individual craftsmen to offer clients way more than standard painting.
Today I realize the dream of every biker. Have a bike that is unique in its kind and reflecting the distinct personality of the individual riding it.


As far as I am concerned, every bike is unique just like the athlete riding it. I manage every project following the guidance received from the client- your imagination is the only boundary.
I start off with a drawing I share with you. This will be the basis for the project execution.
I begin with removing the old paint manually and most importantly, without using any chemical solvent as it would damage the bike frame. While doing this, I am carefully looking for any cracks.
Yes, because carbon frames CAN BE REPAIRED. Thanks to the long experience of my mechanical team we can bring them back to life.
At this stage, everything is ready to start realizing your dream – transform your bike into a piece of art.


As far as I am concerned, every bike is unique just like the athlete riding it. I manage every project following the guidance received from the client- your imagination is the only boundary.
I start off with a drawing I share with you. This will be the basis for the project execution.
I begin with removing the old paint manually and most importantly, without using any chemical solvent as it would damage the bike frame. While doing this, I am carefully looking for any cracks.
Yes, because carbon frames CAN BE REPAIRED. Thanks to the long experience of my mechanical team we can bring them back to life.
At this stage, everything is ready to start realizing your dream – transform your bike into a piece of art.

The use of the best materials and of the most advanced techniques guarantee an outstanding result.
I rigorously use only materials with the lowest environmental impact possible. Waste is reduced to the absolute minimum. It is for me a priority to preserve the environment in which we enjoy our bikes.
The final product will be accompanied by a certificate testifying the uniqueness of the project and the authenticity of the craftsmanship.

The use of the best materials and of the most advanced techniques guarantee an outstanding result.
I rigorously use only materials with the lowest environmental impact possible. Waste is reduced to the absolute minimum. It is for me a priority to preserve the environment in which we enjoy our bikes.
The final product will be accompanied by a certificate testifying the uniqueness of the project and the authenticity of the craftsmanship.


Bikes are my passion but I love new challenges.


Rodeo Europe


Rodeo Europe

Don’t hesitate to reach out

For further information, projects and partnerships

I will come back to you as soon as I put down the gun